
My Pilates is now Wellington’s Premier Yoga Studio !!

Yoga is an amazing, all in one, complete form of exercise. The physical benefits of yoga – reported in medical journals and mainstream press – shows us that yoga promotes heart health, and musculoskeletal strength and flexibility. It regenerates each organ system-respiratory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, lymphatic and nervous. Practicing yoga reduces stress and “dis”- ease and cultivates the body’s capacity to relax.

With a regular yoga program, we feel better, we move better, we breathe better, we sleep better, we digest our food better. We may even begin to recover from chronic, long term illness.These physical benefits of yoga–may be only the tip of the iceberg. Many experience increased mental focus and clarity, heightened perception and intuitive powers. Many practitioners experience an increase in energy levels, weight loss or regulation, and stamina. Many yogis describe feeling more emotionally “balanced.”

Yoga will help you Find your inner peace and reduce your stress levels. Yoga is a excellent meditation program that will help you get in touch with your mind and body. There are many real benefits associated with yoga including becoming more flexible, stronger, and balanced. It can help to lower blood pressure, boost your immune system, relieve symptoms of asthma, back pain and arthritis.

During your very first Yoga class you probably wont be able to touch your toes, no worries, if you stick with it you’ll have a gradual loosening and eventually you will be able to do posses you could not do in the beginning.

Magic Circle

  The Magic Circle is used to challenge your balance and your core.  Joseph Pilates has the distinction of being the inventor of the magic circle. While we often hear fitness circle, exercise ring, fitness ring, magic circle is still the preferred name in Pilates. It is said that Joseph Pilates made the first magic circle […]

Pilates Teacher Training (PMA)

My Pilates is an affiliate of Pilates Sport Center which is internationally recognized and upholds all of the PMA criteria for a Pilates educational program.  Our teacher training Classes and workshops starts in June!!  Class sizes are small and seats are limited.

New Website!!

My Pilates is pleased to announce our NEW Website:)) This site offers new features such as an easy to read schedule which you can schedule a class right from the home page, new Pilates Teacher Trainer  page with an on-line application link, downloadable forms page and much more….come check it out!

Our Affiliations